Tara Udzinski - Reiki Master



Reiki is a Japanese Holistic technique that brings forth healing, harmony, peace, relaxation, and stress reduction.  Reiki clears and aligns our energetic pathways (meridians) so that we may experience greater energetic alignment.

Each session is performed in a calm and relaxing environment while client is fully clothed and lying on his/her back. These are a few benefits, I try to achieve with Reiki; may assist with relieving pain, anxiety, and fatigue, treats depression, enhances quality of life, boosts mood, and may improve some symptoms and conditions. I also teach Reiki classes.

  • HOURS:

    Sunday - By Appointment

    Monday - By Appointment

    Tuesday - OFF

    Wednesday - OFF

    Thursday - By Appointment

    Friday - By Appointment

    Saturday - By Appointment


    45min Session $49

    75min Session $79

    Classes Available